Thursday, August 8th - Noon EST


What’s My Retirement Number? (Spoiler Alert: Wrong Question!)

How much money do I need to retire? We often hear this question, and the focus turns to how much is saved, what’s being added, and what it will grow to. But this may be the wrong question!

Join Dan Galli, CFP®, and Karen Van Voorhis, CFP®, to discover what number you absolutely must figure out to know if you can retire comfortably. The answer makes understanding how much you need to retire much simpler and more accurate.


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Thursday, October 10th - Noon EST


Legacy and Taxes – Effective Planning 

Leaving something to the next generation is a common goal. However, making that happen efficiently requires some planning. We’ll talk about the tools and techniques of effective planning.

Join Dan Galli, CFP®, and Karen Van Voorhis, CFP®, as they talk about the tools and techniques of effective planning, especially in light of increasing income taxes in the coming years.


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Thursday, December 12th - Noon EST


Year-End Planning – There’s Still Time

This is the time of the year when we can take a look at what’s happened in the past year, make some changes to possibly reduce taxes, and begin planning for adjustments in 2025.

Join Dan Galli, CFP®, and Karen Van Voorhis, CFP®, as they help you prepare for year-end.


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Register anyway, and we’ll send you a reminder close to the date and a link to the recording afterwards!