Information contained in these articles was not created or endorsed by AIC, AAS or their representatives. Individual contributors quoted within, other than Karen Van Voorhis or Daniel Galli, are not affiliated with or under the supervision of AIC or AAS and their views and opinions may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of AIC, AAS or their representatives.

Karen Van Voorhis, CFP |
ABLE stands for Achieving a Better Life Experience. ABLE accounts were created via federal legislation commonly known as The ABLE Act, which was passed in 2014
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Dan Galli, CFP |
As part of our financial planning process, we review and discuss beneficiary designations when we review a client’s estate plan. People are often unclear about
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Karen Van Voorhis, CFP |
Even though the summer of 2020 hasn’t panned out the way many of us had hoped – limited travel, ongoing health precautions, etc. – the shift to summer can be a
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Dan Galli, CFP |
What’s the Real Question? Over the years, I’ve heard many people ask, “Where is the stock market going?” And I’ve heard a multitude of answers that range
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Karen Van Voorhis, CFP |
As you’ve probably heard by now, the Coronavius Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act) is a $2 trillion federal economic rescue package that has
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Karen Van Voorhis, CFP |
I am not normally a fan of Jim Cramer, the loud, stock-picking host of CNBC’s “Mad Money.” That said, he recently had a sensible reflection about the recent
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